Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's a boy!

Surprise....a child was born! A beautiful baby boy, we named Dylan Scott! He weighed 8 lbs 1 oz and is perfect. We are so blessed. The delivery went well, I recovered quicker than I did the first time, and Dylan is doing great. He sleeps 2-4 hours at a time and is breastfeeding like a champ. He is his own little person, he is easy going, but when he gets mad...boy does he get mad. Tanner is in love with him, and continues to call him his little sister. He loves to hold him (for 2.5seconds) and give him kisses on his head. We are adjusting here at our household. 2 children is quite different than 1, especially when the oldest is a crazy busy toddler!

Besides that, Tanner turned 2 years old. His birthday was so much fun. He loved his balloons, cake, and presents. It was so fun to see him enjoy it all so much. He got what he asked for, which was a bike! He's loving golf more than ever, and is actually getting pretty good at it. I will put up a video. He talks like a little kid now, and loves books, Curious George, coloring, and any ball he can find.

If all of this wasn't enough, my sister just moved to Dallas! We are going to miss her so much, but are so excited for her new adventures! My brother just got engaged! He is going to marry a beautiful, fun, smart, and nice girl named, Kali next June. We couldn't be more happy for the two of them. My Dad tore some tendons in his knee and will be having surgery in a few weeks....whew.

Hopefully that is all the news for awhile....I will keep the pictures of our new family coming, along with all of our crazy stories....God has blessed us again.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tanner will do anything and everything....that he sees his Daddy doing. It's so crazy how he will mimic anything an older boy does...especially his special Daddy. These days he is talking more than ever, getting even more of a mind of his own, attempting to pee on the potty by himself (he did it once...we celebrated), and getting ready to be the best big brother ever!

He helped me open my presents on my birthday....and loves story time with Grandma.

I have to admit it makes me sad that these one on one moments with Tanner will be coming to an end soon, now that we are within a month of new baby being born. I just need to try to make Tanner and Mommy time even though there will be a new baby. It's hard to think that Tanner won't even remember these last 2 years of being an "only child". I think he will be a "helpful" big brother, and love his little sibling, and be very protective. It is scary to add another addition to our family, yet exciting all at the same time. I feel a lot of the same feelings that I felt right before I had Tanner, but I feel more prepared the second time around. I know maternity leave doesn't equal 3 months of vacation!

Today we played outside this morning and Tanner jumped in his baby pool with all his clothes on! I figured, what the he played for a couple of hours in the water in his clothes!

God bless....

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Do you think that a baby can poke through your stomach? Obviously not, but it sure can feel like it. This child inside of me is like nothing I have ever felt, even with Tanner. This child never stops moving. In the middle of the night when I roll over, crazy moving. In the morning when I get up, crazy moving. All throughout the day, flips and flops and kicks and punches and who knows what else. I mean sometimes I can almost guess which piece of the body it is that is sticking out of my stomach. I really feel like it could just poke through. It is the craziest thing ever. Just thought I would share.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The countdown is on.....

So it is hitting me more daily that in 2 months....yes actually 2 months and 2 days that we will be welcoming a new baby into this world. This thought makes me thrilled for multiple reasons. Tanner is going to be such a loving, protective, and great big brother. I am done being pregnant at this point. I cannot wait to meet this new little being. This thought also makes me want to puke for several reasons. I am scared, I admit, I want to be the best Mom I can...can I do that with 2 babies? Our finishing the basement project is nowhere near completion. The new baby room is full of all the baby supplies we have for all different age groups (swings, bouncers, jumpers, exersaucers, etc) along with our desk full of stuff and a closet full of stuff. I am easy going, but this is ridiculous and making me a nervous wreck. I am nervous for another c-section. I asked Andy the other night, I can't decide if it is better that I know what to expect or worse because I remember how bad it hurt. I guess either way it doesn't matter, 2 months and counting, here we go, ready or not.

Tanner is talking more daily. I wish I could remember all that he says to write down here. He talks in lots of little sentences, for instance, "daddy at work", "where mommy go". He finally says "yes" but it sounds like "yesh". He loves the boys across the street, and when he is up in his room with the window open he yells at them, "hi guys". It is adorable. He says, "love you" FINALLY! He knows most family members by name, but will only call them that when he feels like it. We are still working on Grandma K, he just can't say Grandma! He definately knows when he does something that is wrong, and most of the time will say, "sorry" or "hug". He is just becoming more of a little boy everyday. I got him a little potty, and he loves to sit on it. He has pretty frequently said, "Pooped" and actually had just that's great. I am not holding my breath or pushing anything though. My first born is growing up, and like I say at every stage so far...this is the best.

Pregnancy wise I am inching toward that 8 month mark. I'm having lots of contractions, but I had that with Tanner also. Lots of uncomfortable sitting, standing, and sleeping. I think my every expanding belly has finally leveled off and I'm looking more how I did when I was pregnant with Tanner. This belly just grew way faster than the first time. It's sure getting hard to tote around a 22 month old on your hip (your sort of hip that you really don't have anymore). Getting Tanner in his crib is a everyday challenge....oh the joys. This baby will not stop moving though, all the time, night or day. I should add that to the list of things that scare me...hope that doesn't reflect on activity level of the child!

Til next time when I have some pictures to share and have some time to share them! haha

Monday, April 5, 2010

Vacation and Easter and a funny story

We just got back from Myrtle Beach with Grandma and Papa K and Aunt K-T (as Tanner says). It was really nice, relaxing week. The flights with Tanner went better than could be expected. He loved the sand, the ocean, the outside, and playing golf. I feel so blessed that we were able to take him to experience these things...Thank you Grandma and Papa K. I think vacations are so important. I do not think it is WHERE you go, I just think it is important THAT you go. Having a week or so to bond, make memories, and only makes that family tie that much stronger. I think this week was no exception to that rule. We did miss Uncle Dustin though.

Easter was very nice. Tanner got to practice his Easter egg hunting on vacation, so bright and early yesterday we were outside hunting eggs. He got distracted after about 7 eggs because the eggs were "balls" like footballs, etc. so then he decided he wanted to play with balls in the garage....ending to his hunt. He enjoyed church in the car in the parking lot as he napped with Daddy....oh well. A very nice brunch at Staley we had, he LOVED playing golf on the putting green. He might be a little obsessed and I swear we had nothing to do with it.

The funniest story though, and I might pee my pants just thinking about it. Grandma K and I were trying to get things out of my car while Tanner was playing in the drivers seat. I took out the keys out of the ignition and set them in my purse so he would not put the car in reverse. My Mom shuts the door and just stops and looks at me...yep, Tanner locked himself IN the car! I was half laughing, half freaking out. After a couple of minutes of pleading (mind you Tanner was laughing and having a blast in there) he unlocked the door all by himself. Thank goodness he half was listened and could get it opened. Life is never dull with a toddler as active as Tanner!

God Bless...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tanner's Favorite Things Pics Part 2

So a couple of things that Tanner loves....he loves dressing up (I know not very boy like), he loves shooting basketballs - he says, "I shoot" "go go go", he loves swim lessons with his Mommy, he loves play dates - especially with his friend Al and cousin Kamryn, and he loves dancing!

As I was thinking about my post yesterday I wanted to include a couple of really adorable things Tanner also does right now.. he sings "twinkle, twinkle itta sta" and "row row row ba boat" and giggles and tries to do "itsy bitsy spider". He also knows his eyes, ears, nose, tongue, teeth, toes, fingers, belly button, and hair. He is a monkey climbing on every bar stool and chair still. He gets his shoes and says "outside" and "tie" and "shoes". Okay, that's all I can think right now.

Pictures, part 1

I promised pictures, here I finally delivered. The first couple are from Mexico. Our family clan, and than Andy and I for the beach dinner night.

The pic of Andy and Tanner in their Twins cute, and how much do they look alike? Not completely, but they do.

Andy and his Grandma's...LOVE this picture!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Too long

So I often think I should blog, then I forget about it, or get too busy, or side-tracked, or whatever you want to call it. Then I end up like today, looking back a month gone by...opps.

Tomorrow, I will add pictures from our wonderful work/fun vacation in Mexico. Tanner enjoyed spending time with his Grandma and Grandpa H and his uncles and Aunt and cousins. In fact, I think we missed him way more than he missed us, he had too much fun!

We found out at our ultrasound that we are having a ...... healthy baby! HAHA, No we didn't find out the sex, but we did see heart, spinal cord, brain, etc, and all looks well! They did say that the baby is on the small side, with Tanner being as little as he was, this is no surprise to us! We are just chugging along, getting more and more anxious to meet Baby Hoffman #2. One of my best friends visited with her 20 month old son and 2 month old daughter the other day. After they left Tanner asked and actually still does, "Where baby Hope"? I then tell him she had to go home, and then he says in a question form, "bye-bye"? So I think he loved having the baby around, which is a good thing.

Baby Hoffman #1, Tanner, is a ham these days. He just started spitting out every word possible it seems. It's so fun, yet we have to be very careful now with what we say! Some of my favorites are his "nah nah" which is his pacifier, his "pop" which is his cup, "pooper" which is Cooper. He takes his milk cup and looks at us during meals and says "cheers" and then we both has to cheers his glass...might be my favorite thing ever! He bit a foam football recently and after he did it he preceded to walk around with it for 30 minutes with a sad look saying, "I bite it" and "it's broke". He said this like one hundred times, and it is way cute. His cousin hit him the other day when they were playing and he just looked and said, "not nice". At least I know he is listening to me when I tell him, "not nice". When he wants something he says, "more" like a hundred times. He came up to me the other night with his arms out and said, "hug". I swear I almost melted right there. If you are thinking he has his Mommy wrapped around his little finger, you are right....I'm a sucker, he knows it.

Pictures will be added soon, I promise, just don't hold me to it!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


This pregnancy was killing me. Not physically, but just draining. As a family, we have been crazy busy. I know that always seems to be my excuse, but that is it again. So a month later, here I am checking in.

First, Tanner. Crazy Tanner. I love that little boy more that words. He is so funny. I could tell you a hundred stories about what he is doing right now. He is talking a lot more, and with words you can understand, and some you cannot. Today Andy just informed me that he was looking suspicous, and come to find out was on all fours drinking water out of Cooper's bowl. He is a monkey man, climbing on everything. When I tell him to sit down (as in he is standing on the bar stool), he shakes his finger at me and says, "sit down, sit down"'s hard not to laugh. Cooper and Tanner are best buds, Tanner just wants to give him hugs, play fetch with him, and I guess as of today want's to be like him. He needs a sibling, good thing we've already taken care of that.

Okay Baby Hoffman #2...doing great. I'm just tired, but other than that just rolling along. My belly is definately pretty big I feel Mom said I look further along than I am. I am feeling the baby kick like crazy all the time, Andy felt it last night for the first time. It's the best feeling. 20 weeks this week, half way there! We get our big ultrasound when we come back from heard me right. Later this week we are headed to Mexico for a sales meeting for Andy's work! I'm definately not complaining since we have been stuck inside for what now seems like 6 months!

My hubby, doing great. Not having to travel too much. For Valentine's Day, I got breakfast in bed and a surprise lunch (he knows the way to my heart right now). We went to a movie and to dinner on our own that weekend (thanks Auntie Katie and Uncle Dustin). We are in the process of finishing our basement, which we are so thrilled about. It will bring more play space for the kiddos, and just living space.

So finishing up a busy week to get ready for our vacation, Tanner is going to Grandma and Grandpa H's for the week. I think they are excited to have him, until they have to chase him around for a couple of days...haha. He will get to play with his cousins also, which I know he will love.

Til next time...God bless.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A pic of Tanner with my new camera!!!

Tanner and Cooper helping put up Christmas decorations.

Tanner's new favorite I must say, I think he's pretty good at it (I know I'm his Mom). He can shoot and make it from several feet away, and the dunks....amazing!

These are a couple of pictures from Christmas that the program would allow me to add. Tanner sure loves Cooper, he loves to pet him, pull his tail, play keep away with his bone, and give him KISSES!

This is a picture of how our Santa visit went, exactly how I expected...haha.

Tanner's 18 month appointment was today and he is weighing 21lb 8 ounces, still continues to be in the 5%, he is fairly tall at 31 1/2" which is the 25%. All is well with him. He is loving making animals noises right now, he knows a sheep, duck, cow, and cat.

Until next time,

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cell Phone Update

So, a long time ago I posted about my cell phone being dropped in kool-aid. I'm not sure if I posted the story about my cell phone being lost, but then I found it at the end of my street in 3 pieces, and it wasn't run over! I put it back together, and WOW it still worked. Fast forward to a busy little 18 month old who loves to play with cell phones. Label me a softie, and I let him play with my phone. He loved to take off the back of the phone and the battery out, then put it back together. Well, I lost the back of my phone, or my little Tanner lost it. So I had a rubber band holding it together.

This all has to do with....I GOT A NEW CELL PHONE. This one isn't, "my 1980's cell phone" and will hopefully keep all the making fun of me people off my back for awhile. Let's hope I don't lose it too soon (it will be lost eventually which is inevitable) and Tanner doesn't break it.

Til then...

Monday, January 11, 2010

I have attempted more than several times to upload some pictures from the holiday's onto this blog. For some reason it hates me. So for now you are stuck with my writing until I can figure it out.

Funny story, we thought we lost like 6 pacifiers in a matter of a couple of days. I know I can be forgetful, not so much Andy, but still. Andy was home with Tanner before I got home from work, and preceded to tell him they were going to look for the pacifiers and find them. Tanner shrugged his shoulders and went to the edge of the stairs. Andy picked him up, brought him to the living room, and said, "No Tanner we are going to look for your pacifiers, where are they?" Tanner did the same thing. So, Andy took him upstairs, let him down, he then went into his room, into his closet, into his organizer....and AHAHA there were 2 pacifiers! He was hiding them from us, but knew exactly where they were!

We are trekking along here in Kansas City, aka Antartica. It is slowly starting to warm up, and the 12+ inches of snow is not going anywhere in the near future. I am 3 1/2 months along in my pregnancy, and over morning/all day sickness. I am also getting a tiny bit more energy to run after Tanner.

In copying one of my best friends in her post I would like to share with you what Tanner says at 1 1/2years old (as of yesterday!). He loves to say, "Elmo, Cookie, Big Bird, Mommma, Daddy, bye-bye, Papa, uh-oh, more, basketball, football, thank you, Grandma, Dustin, Katie, pancake...." Of course none of the words sound exactly like that...for instance basketball is more like "bah ball". Every week he is gaining words and communication skills. We are loving it.

I will try the pictures again, until then, stay warm....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome New Decade, 2010~~

We brought in the New Year at a wonderful friend of mine, Holly and her great husband, Michael's wedding. Tanner was in good hands with Grandma and Papa K, and got to go to a party of his own. We enjoyed a night of getting all dolled up, dancing, good food, good company, and just some couple time! It was a lot of fun, and a great celebration to bring in the New Year!

Some of my favorite memories of 2009....
-Spending the beginning of the year in Florida with my family, my parents and siblings.
-Multiple trips to St. Louis and having one of my bestie's Aaron and her son, Al here to visit.
-One of my other bestie's wedding reception in Kansas City
-My sister's college graduation
-My birthday at the Royals game
-My First Mother's Day
-Tanner's 1st Birthday Party
-Going to Vegas for Andy's 30th Birthday
-Multiple trips to Iowa to see family
-Trip to Clear Lake with family
-Lazy days at the pool and playing outside with Tanner and family
-Trip to Arizona to celebrate my wonderful Aunt's life
-Seeing Tanner grow into an active, funny, loving, sensitive toddler
-Finding out we are having another baby
-Sunday dinner's
-Watching Tanner actually enjoy Christmas
-Bringing in the new year at one of my bestie's weddings with my amazing husband

I am welcoming 2010 with open arms and looking forward to all the blessings that it will bring. I hope for continuing health for my family and extended families, and a healthy new baby for our family. I wish for Andy and I to continue to feel fulfilled in our jobs. I wish for Tanner to continue to grow into such a wonderful boy. I wish for a continuing and loving relationship with God.
