Thursday, February 26, 2009

hahaha Again!

So, I promise I will post some pictures this weekend, but I just had to write this. Tuesday Andy was giving Tanner a bath before I got home from work,'s POOP again! The child pooped in the bath again, and it is funny because it was Andy and not me. Let's hope this is not the trend. We will see tonight!

P.S. How about those Missouri Tigers last night? Let's hope this enthusiasm continues to the game against Kansas on Sunday!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I mean....really?

So it's been one of those weeks....Andy was out of town, the rest of the fam were staying with my parents for logistical reasons. I had a million things to do, worked 3 days, get ready for throwing my great friend, Rebecca, a wedding shower on Saturday..hectic. All went well with the shower, and I think she enjoyed it, which is the most important part!

This brings me to the title of my blog...So first off Tanner is sleeping great through the night (PS thanks for the diaper more leaks!). One trade off for another, he continues to awaken at 6-7am, actually once this week was 5am. Playful, talking, ready for the day. Small victory, sad for his Momma, who enjoyed waking up at 8am with her little man on her days off.

So really the title, I was giving Tanner a bath this morning and....POOP in the tub! This had never happened, sort of funny, really gross. I yelled for Andy, like there was an emergency, and he came to my rescue. Just when we thought the problem was solved....BAM he pees on the towel and all over himself before I can get his diaper on. By the way, diapering the poor child these days is more like a wrestling match. I mean seriously.

That is all, life is good, still awaiting spring. Until next time, God Bless.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is stupid...unless your husband gets you roses, an hour massage, AND takes you to dinner! Andy and I really do not like the holiday, but you can't not celebrate it. I am only suppose to get a rose for every year we've been together, but I must be really special this year because I got a dozen....but I ruined the surprise....I wasn't suppose to be home when he walked in. It was still a great surprise! Aren't they pretty?
It just seems wrong that babies this age eat their toes...I guess it's fine since they aren't walking, still just seems wierd? This will probably be the only time that Tanner is this flexible.

Hi Mom, I love the avacado's you made me! Nothing like him wiping the food ALL over his face. If I haven't mentioned it before, I make Tanner's baby food. It is really easy, just steam, purree, freeze in a ice cube tray, then put in plastic baggies in the freezer after they are frozen. I love doing it, it is cheaper than baby food, and you get more variety!

I swear I do not just put my child in front of the TV....He does watch some Sesame Street occasionally. I just thought this was cute him playing with his feet watching some Elmo. Oh and if anyone needs an idea for a cranky 6/7 month old, just pop in a Baby Einstein video and magically they are mesmorized.....
I am a single Mom this week..Andy is out of town. I give huge kudos to single parents, it is hard to be a parent in general...but to do it by yourself is incredibly hard. For those of you out there, the sacrifice you give daily to be a good parent...the time, the effort, God bless you.
Is it springtime yet?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

All of a sudden......weddings!

The part about weddings at the post is at the bottom because I am blogger stupid and cannot figure out how to get it at the top! Read on my friends.... I know it's like a week late, but here is a dinner picture from Andy's birthday night. I didn't burn anything, so that's a plus. Yummy ribs, twice baked potatoes, and baked beans....okay at least I thought it was yummy. All Andy's favs...Then we kicked butt in Wii bowling, not as fun as the real thing, but pretty close.
Tanner rolling, rolling, rolling.....into everything.

Mr. man paused for a minute, to SIT UP BY HIMSELF!

Then proceeded to rolling, rolling, rolling...BAM right into the chair. P.S. He cannot roll the other way, so he gets stuck, hence the crying, please help me face.

This is such an exciting time. Three of my closest girlfriends are getting married! One is getting married in April, one in May, and one next New Years Eve. I am so happy for my friends.... they are so happy. These girls deserve good guys....which they've gotten. They each have their own story, Rebecca and her fiance are high school sweethearts, Shelta met her love in Texas where she moved to :(, and Holly met her newly engaged fiance here in Kansas City. I enjoy sitting back and seeing their relationships develop, and me knowing how it will end up, or at least guessing. Each celebration is going to be so different, just as they are....and I can't wait for each one.
On a different note, sadder note, work is hard. I know work is hard for anyone, but for me....a pediatric nurse (if you didn't know) it has been difficult lately. When I came back to work after having Tanner, I was a different nurse. First off, it was hard to come back, but I told myself those kids needed me like Tanner did, but just in a different way. After having been a patient in a hospital I really appreciated the amazing nurses that took care of me and how the little things meant the most. Also, I was a Mom now and could completely put myself in these parents' shoes. So back to seems like we've had a lot of sick kids and sad cases. It just breaks my heart, I want to do heart aches for these kids. I left the other day crying. I used to be good at seperating myself, but I'm not so good anymore. Sometimes I think it would be easier if I didn't know all these sick kids existed, to be naive. Well I do, and I'm not. I can't fix all the kids...I can't keep them all safe....and of course I can't take them home with me. I'm so lucky, blessed, whatever you want to call it that I have a healthy baby boy. So the moral of this story is kiss your kids, love your kids, and thank God that they are happy, healthy, and safe.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Good Night's Sleep

Oh my goodness, Tanner is sleeping through the night! It had nothing to do with our amazing parenting skills, hard to believe, I know. We did let him cry for a little bit, I mean we are talking 5 minutes tops, we are suckers. We were starting to think, that kid has us wrapped around his little finger, right where he wants us. night last week, he just slept through the night, no bottle or anything. Now we still need to help him put his pacifier in his mouth once in awhile, but that's ok. It only took us 6 1/2 months...oh well. I think the trick is he can flip over himself both ways now, and he likes to flip to his belly and sleep. We th0ught it was a fluke, but continues to be happening! So a little thank you prayer, and makes such a difference! Now we are tackling him peeing through his diapers onto his outfit, sleep blanket outfit, and sheets. That is fun.

We have 6/7 month pictures tomorrow, so I'm sure tonight Tanner will scratch himself right in the middle of his forehead or something, that seems to be the trend with pictures.

'Til next time...Enjoy the sun.