Thursday, May 10, 2012

Our May happenings.....

Lately, our weeks consist of mostly playing outside. The boys (Tanner actually) want to play outside. Literally, yesterday we went outside in the morning on the deck and watered the flowers, then we went around front, we came inside to pack a picnic lunch, went to the park up the street for them to have a picnic and play, we came inside to put Dylan to sleep for a nap, then Tanner and I went out back and we played in the creek, Andy came home from work and they played outside until dinner, then after dinner they went outside to help Andy mow the it was a lot. But honestly, the boys are happy out there, and it was a beautiful, perfect day. The days are getting a bit easier with the boys. Don't get me wrong, to take them to the store is still a pain, maybe that will never change...but for the most part it is getting easier. Dylan is still fiesty, hard headed, independent and a almost 2 year old. Putting him in his carseat lately has proven challenging. Tanner is still almost 4 who can do everything own his own (or so he thinks), and pushes limits daily. But Tanner has gotten better at listening in the last several weeks, I think it just took Andy and I being a bit more strict and being on the same page for discipline. Eating out is still pretty much non-existant unless you consider Mc Donalds your food of choice. We did go to Olive Garden and wait a ridiculously long time on not so good food, and the boys did so great....but we still walked around with them to keep them occupied along with a Ipad!