Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The countdown is on.....

So it is hitting me more daily that in 2 months....yes actually 2 months and 2 days that we will be welcoming a new baby into this world. This thought makes me thrilled for multiple reasons. Tanner is going to be such a loving, protective, and great big brother. I am done being pregnant at this point. I cannot wait to meet this new little being. This thought also makes me want to puke for several reasons. I am scared, I admit, I want to be the best Mom I can...can I do that with 2 babies? Our finishing the basement project is nowhere near completion. The new baby room is full of all the baby supplies we have for all different age groups (swings, bouncers, jumpers, exersaucers, etc) along with our desk full of stuff and a closet full of stuff. I am easy going, but this is ridiculous and making me a nervous wreck. I am nervous for another c-section. I asked Andy the other night, I can't decide if it is better that I know what to expect or worse because I remember how bad it hurt. I guess either way it doesn't matter, 2 months and counting, here we go, ready or not.

Tanner is talking more daily. I wish I could remember all that he says to write down here. He talks in lots of little sentences, for instance, "daddy at work", "where mommy go". He finally says "yes" but it sounds like "yesh". He loves the boys across the street, and when he is up in his room with the window open he yells at them, "hi guys". It is adorable. He says, "love you" FINALLY! He knows most family members by name, but will only call them that when he feels like it. We are still working on Grandma K, he just can't say Grandma! He definately knows when he does something that is wrong, and most of the time will say, "sorry" or "hug". He is just becoming more of a little boy everyday. I got him a little potty, and he loves to sit on it. He has pretty frequently said, "Pooped" and actually had just went....so that's great. I am not holding my breath or pushing anything though. My first born is growing up, and like I say at every stage so far...this is the best.

Pregnancy wise I am inching toward that 8 month mark. I'm having lots of contractions, but I had that with Tanner also. Lots of uncomfortable sitting, standing, and sleeping. I think my every expanding belly has finally leveled off and I'm looking more how I did when I was pregnant with Tanner. This belly just grew way faster than the first time. It's sure getting hard to tote around a 22 month old on your hip (your sort of hip that you really don't have anymore). Getting Tanner in his crib is a everyday challenge....oh the joys. This baby will not stop moving though, all the time, night or day. I should add that to the list of things that scare me...hope that doesn't reflect on activity level of the child!

Til next time when I have some pictures to share and have some time to share them! haha

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