Monday, October 26, 2009

Catching up

Below are a couple videos from recent. Tanner is chatting up a storm these days. He went from not talking, to saying, "Cooper" which is said "Pooper", "ball", "baseball" which is said "bahball", "bubbles", "hot", etc. Of course he will not say any of these words when there is a video camera around...hince the video of him just blabbing! One of these days I will catch him

We are looking forward to Halloween this weekend, Tanner might actually enjoy it this year, being that his parents will probably let him have some CANDY! Let's hope the weather is decent. We've been keeping busy with doing as many activities as possible...Tanner is really fun to take and do things now. I would make the exception that taking him out to eat is not very fun, but any parent would understand this.

I have said to many people, "oh this is the best time"....I keep saying that, I think this is the best time with Tanner. He is a challenging, yet fun toddler! Being a parent is the hardest thing I have ever done, but the most rewarding. When walking in the door from a long day at work and he just runs to me with his arms up is the most amazing feeling, I wish I could bottle it up. I think Andy would agree that being Tanner's Mommy and Daddy is so fun! We feel lucky.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sleep, finally....

After approximately 15 months of going back and forth with the best way to put Tanner to sleep we were sick of it. We had finally had enough. We decided to try to let him "cry it out", now this does not mean forever until he falls asleep. We had a plan. 5 minutes at a time we would go in there and reassure him then 10 minutes, etc. The first night was about a week ago, and he cried for maybe 15 minutes woke up only once that night for like maybe 20 minutes and put himself back asleep. Since then, he has been going to sleep even for naps by himself, and sleeping through the night. I don't know if it coincidence, or he was just ready, or we are just stupid....but AMEN! Miles for Marley 5K...this was a benefit for a 20month old little girl, amazing little girl, Marley and her incredible family. She is battling a cancerous brain tumor. It was a great turn out for a great family. This is a picture of a bunch of us from the hospital that were lucky enough to take care of her.

Tanner's first ride on a merry-go-round. Contrary to this picture, he actually liked it.

What a helper I have, he loves to do what we do....or at least try.

There's my silly boy! God has sure blessed us.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

3 years of wedded bliss...

We have now been married for 3 years, man how time flies. I love my husband. He is thoughtful, funny, smart, nice, considerate, handsome....makes me laugh when I want to cry, listens to me when he doesn't want to, let's me watch the silly shows I like, helps with the laundry because he knows I hate it, and takes me out to dinner on our anniversary when the Twins are playing in the playoffs! If you know my husband, this is the biggest sacrifice you could imagine. We enjoyed dinner, while Grandma and Grandpa K babysat the crazy little guy. The weather was like it was the day we got married, sunny and perfect. Cheers to us! We went to my cousin, Ryan and his wife, Becky's house for a was so fun. They were so cute, they bought Tanner a cupcake for coming over. They will be great parents someday! Tanner loved playing in their yard and kitchen. He konked out in like 1 minute after getting in the car to go home. By the way, How much does he look like Andy in this picture? He might as well be little mr. Andy in this picture! Hmmmm....

All of us! I barely have ahold of the wild man in this picture!
Love and blessings to all...