Sunday, February 22, 2009

I mean....really?

So it's been one of those weeks....Andy was out of town, the rest of the fam were staying with my parents for logistical reasons. I had a million things to do, worked 3 days, get ready for throwing my great friend, Rebecca, a wedding shower on Saturday..hectic. All went well with the shower, and I think she enjoyed it, which is the most important part!

This brings me to the title of my blog...So first off Tanner is sleeping great through the night (PS thanks for the diaper more leaks!). One trade off for another, he continues to awaken at 6-7am, actually once this week was 5am. Playful, talking, ready for the day. Small victory, sad for his Momma, who enjoyed waking up at 8am with her little man on her days off.

So really the title, I was giving Tanner a bath this morning and....POOP in the tub! This had never happened, sort of funny, really gross. I yelled for Andy, like there was an emergency, and he came to my rescue. Just when we thought the problem was solved....BAM he pees on the towel and all over himself before I can get his diaper on. By the way, diapering the poor child these days is more like a wrestling match. I mean seriously.

That is all, life is good, still awaiting spring. Until next time, God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha...and I am also "wrestling" with Al with every change!
