Our Minneapolis get-away
Our crazy boys at the driving range
Lovin' on each other at the pumpkin patch
Just a normal night of Dylan tackling Tanner, and Tanner dying laughing!
I'll make this short and sweet since it's 3am and I'm at work....I know, can you believe it? So first, the boys are the best of friends these days. Seriously, they miss each other in like 2 minutes if the other one is gone. I LOVE that....I think that is one of the main things I wanted for my children. They are so different, but bring out good sides in each other. Tanner, Mr. rule follower, not-want-to-dissapoint you, questions everything, slow to warm up, not a morning person, not a picky eater and a heck of an appetite, roll your pants down to fit better because you are so skinny, loves his cars and legos and pretend play and ride his bike.. Dylan, my head strong, Mommy loving (these days he can't get enough of me), early morning, runs right into situations without having to feel it out like his brother, awnry, bruiser, picky eater until he tries it then he realizes he likes it, loves to draw and color, loves to be read to, and loves to golf. Dylan makes Tanner come out of his shell sometimes, and also makes Tanner not follow the rules sometimes. Tanner makes Dylan follow the rules sometimes, and really talks him through things when he gets frustrated. The bottom picture makes me smile because I remember that exact moment. Dylan is running a hundred miles an hour at Tanner and just taking him to the floor. Tanner is not hurt at all, if you could see his face in this picture, he is dying laughing. Dylan gets up and does it again and again....Tanner loving every minute of it.....this is what their relationship is like....it just works. I pray that this continues (yes I am not oblivious to the fact that they will fight) and they continue the bond that has already become so strong.
P.S. Dylan knows yellow and blue colors, and can say them! He is talking a lot more, like 4 word sentences! Mostly out of his mouth though is "Mommy" 2,000,000,000 times a day! His teacher said now she can't get him to shut up in class he talks so much. He loves to match colors and match objects.
P.S. Funny story, Tanner got in trouble a bit at school the other day and when Andy asked why he got in trouble or what he did, he said, "I am only bad on cloudy days". I mean, what do you say to that?! He is learning his letters and numbers in school, I have to say he loves math a lot more than letters.
Okay, better get back to work.
love, love that picture of you and Andy. You look so pretty friend!