Sunday, May 8, 2011

Reasons I love being a Mom....

Funny thing about this post is that you can tell it's Mother's Day because that's the only day I have enough time to do a blog....haha.

-No matter how bad your day it, one of my children can ALWAYS make me smile and laugh, and bring perspective to the important things in life.

-On that note, no matter how good your day is, it is only one blow out diaper, spit up, or temper tantrum away from changing, but then look back up at the previous note.

-I love learning FROM my children.

-I love being challenged and constantly trying to figure out what is best for THEM.

-I love the endless love and hugs and kisses from them.

-I love the way they look at me taking in everything I say.

-I love watching them develop and grow and change and become their OWN little selves.

-I love doing fun kid activities, like going to the park, going to the zoo, etc.

-I love the bond you have with other Mom's.

-I love buying things for my children.

-I could go on and on, being a Mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am so blessed to have my 2 healthy, happy boys. God has granted me one of the best gifts. I pray for continued strength for the hard days, many smiles for the good days, and health for us all.

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