Okay, Mr. Tanner cracks me up all the time. Yesterday we were looking at pictures on the computer (something he loves to do). We were looking at pictures from the month he was born. They started with baby shower pictures to the birth pictures and beyond. I was trying to explain to him about that he was in these pictures, just in Mommy's belly. When finally he turns to me and says, "Mommy, but why did you eat me?" I LOVE kids and their cute things they say!
So Tanner is pretty great with everything that he says, but one thing he can't say well that I love so much are TV's are called TD's. He also says a lot of little sayings that we must say like, "well actually", and "Mom, seriously." So funny. He also tells Dylan, "no no Dylan" a lot, he told him just the other day that Dad says we can't jump on the bed because we are going to break it.
Speaking of funny, our little Dylan is hilarious. He still throws his "fits". He also is so smart (not that I don't think Tanner isn't). He can put a golf ball on a tee. He helps pick up the cheerios that he thinks are so funny to throw on the floor over and over again. He can put the darts into the nerf dart gun. He can put a ball on the tball tee and sort of swing the bat. He goes and gets his shoes when you ask him to, and then sits on the stair and lifts his foot to put them on. He likes to color with crayons on a piece of paper. He thinks it's funny to run down the sidewalk away from our house. He pets Cooper a lot and likes to give Cooper kisses. He also loves to "wrestle" with Tanner, and no one can make him laugh like he can. He wakes up in the morning and walks to the pantry and hits the door and grunts until you get him a snack, and the same goes with the fridge for a drink. He is so loveable, loves to give us kisses when we ask and to give out hugs when we ask also!
My boys are going to be the best of friends, and I am so honored to watch and be in their lives and to be their Mommy. Don't get me wrong though, I know there are fights ahead too! haha
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The "fits"
I was just thinking about my littlest man, Dylan, and I couldn't not post about this trait of his that is making me laugh inside my head. I think we are in for some TERRIBLE toddler years ahead, as far as fit throwing goes. This little man, has for about 2 months now, thrown little "fits" when he gets mad. For the most part, Dylan is about as easy going as they get, he lets Tanner steal the toys he's playing with, he falls down and doesn't cry, overall a happy baby. When something makes him mad he clenches both fists and puts his arms in "l" shapes sticking out from his body and shakes in rage and makes an upside down smile with his mouth while grunting. Close your eyes, try to follow...I try not to laugh, but it is so funny. I think we knew we were in trouble when a few minutes after he was born he was crying and the nurse said, "that baby has a temper on him"....uh-oh.....on the other hand, I could not love a child more than I love that little man, his fit-throwing and all.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Reasons I love being a Mom....
Funny thing about this post is that you can tell it's Mother's Day because that's the only day I have enough time to do a blog....haha.
-No matter how bad your day it, one of my children can ALWAYS make me smile and laugh, and bring perspective to the important things in life.
-On that note, no matter how good your day is, it is only one blow out diaper, spit up, or temper tantrum away from changing, but then look back up at the previous note.
-I love learning FROM my children.
-I love being challenged and constantly trying to figure out what is best for THEM.
-I love the endless love and hugs and kisses from them.
-I love the way they look at me taking in everything I say.
-I love watching them develop and grow and change and become their OWN little selves.
-I love doing fun kid activities, like going to the park, going to the zoo, etc.
-I love the bond you have with other Mom's.
-I love buying things for my children.
-I could go on and on, being a Mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am so blessed to have my 2 healthy, happy boys. God has granted me one of the best gifts. I pray for continued strength for the hard days, many smiles for the good days, and health for us all.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Too Long...
I am sorry for taking 6 months to post. Everytime I sit down and think about it, a child needs my attention, or I have something else that is more important, or I am so exhausted I can't keep my eyes open.
Re-cap of the last 6 months...which I am sure I am leaving things out.
Start with our family, we finally finished our basement...which has made such a huge difference this winter. It's so nice to be able to go down there and then shut the door when we are done, plus it feels very homey down there. Andy hasn't really had to travel for work much, which has been nice to have him home. I cut down my hours at work, and now work 2 days a week. I took a photography class, and am trying to work on taking better pictures. We made our first trip to Iowa to visit family, and the trip went so great both ways. My brother is getting married! My sister moved to Dallas! Andy's brother started his first "real" job!
Okay, the part you are waiting for....the boys.
My baby, Dylan. He is 7 months...I know, can you believe it? He is such a joy. He loves his big brother so much, and anything that he does he is watching and smiling and laughing. He is a chunker (aka chubby), he is only in the 10% for weight, but he has rolls, and I love those rolls. He is a grunter, and grunts laughs...it is the funniest sound. He says, "dadada". He can wave bye-bye. He does this cute thing when I hold my head to the side and look at him and he does it back to me. He is CRAWLING...I am so in trouble...he loves his babyfood (bananas are his favorite), and is still nursing like a champ. It was hard to believe that my heart could hold more love than it did for Tanner, but my heart is fuller than ever, and Dylan has filled it.
My big-boy, Tanner. He is 2 1/2 and one minute he is making me laugh and the next minute he makes me want to pull my hair out...typical toddler huh? I mean the things that he says I have to write down because I don't want to forget. He is a stinker, he knows when he does something wrong and is the most lovey boy ever, he will say, "I'm sorry Mom"..and come and hug and kiss me. He potty trained himself basically in December, and we still reward with M&M's and high-fives all around. He is obsessed with sports, especially golf. He definately went outside in the snow in his snowboots and coat and gloves and hat and hit orange golf balls from the driveway into the snow! He loves his friends at school, and loves to tell us all about them when he gets home. He is the sweetest, loveable, ball-of-fire little boy I could have ever dreamed for.
Hope this post helps you sleep at night now that you know what is going on in our little world...haha. Hopefully the next one won't be another 6 months!
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