Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lots of changes.

In the last couple of days Tanner has been changing so fast. He has been eating food for about a month now. I've made him carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, squash, and pears. He is loving it all, and appears to be a hungry, growing boy! The last couple of nights we've attempted to not-swaddle him. See, Tanner loves his pacifier, and has loved being swaddled to sleep since he was born. It's going okay, but he still loves the feeling of being swaddled, so it's a work in progress. Today he rolled from his back to his front, and now is dangerous! He's figuring out he can roll to reach things he wants. We are working on sitting up on our own, it will come sometime. I just can't believe how fast he continues to keep changing. Every different stage, I say, "this stage is my favorite".

Andy and I have been working on getting healthier, exercising again. It's going good so far, we like to work out, so that helps. It has just gotten a little more complicated trying to find time with Tanner. It does really make you feel good and give you more's fun for us to do together.

This picture is from Sunday night dinner at our house. We were playing around, and Tanner looked so cute with his pants on his head! Every Sunday we have a family dinner. It is whoever can make it, my parents, siblings, aunt and uncle and their kids....and at whoever's house. It's such a great tradition we have, and a good opportunity for family time.
Tanner doing some tummy time in his UNI Panther t-shirt...he's a big fan!

He is also a MU Tiger fan!

This video is from a recent vacation to Florida, we had to get Tanner's giggle on video. It just makes our heart melt to hear that noise.
Until next time....with love..

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