Friday, January 30, 2009

Lots to catch up on.

Since the last post, Tanner has had 2 playdates, with his friends Al and Owen. I love getting together with girlfriends that have little ones for Tanner to play with (well more likely lay next to). I just feel like it's so important to try to create memories everyday, even the little ones are important.
Last weekend we traveled (sans Andy) to St. Louis to visit one of my bestest friends, Aaron, and her little guy, Al. We just hung out and the boys played, since they are within a month of each other, they were doing the same things. Good friends are great, aren't they? I am so thankful for my friends. We have seen each other through so much, and they mean the world to me. So if you are reading this, I love you guys.
Tanner playing in Aaron's neighbors jumper. If I haven't mentioned a hundred times yet, this is favorite activity by far...maybe he is going to be a high jumper track star....or the next Larry Bird?
Here is an example of our good times last weekend...the boys in their undershirts playing with their feet. They also liked rolling over onto each other and playing with the same ring chain!
Today is Andy's 29th birthday! Next year is the big one! His parents are coming in town tonight to celebrate with us...we are excited. We are going to have a birthday dinner, I hope it turns out okay (I'm cooking)...and cake and a night of bowling! So fun times.

Tanner had his 6 month appointment this last week. He is 14lb the 8th percentile and is about 26 in long which is about the 50th percentile. So he is going to be tall and lean like his Daddy. Otherwise, all is good. He is happy, healthy, and eating like a crazy man!
Until next time...kiss and hug and tell your loved ones how much you love them!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lots of changes.

In the last couple of days Tanner has been changing so fast. He has been eating food for about a month now. I've made him carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, squash, and pears. He is loving it all, and appears to be a hungry, growing boy! The last couple of nights we've attempted to not-swaddle him. See, Tanner loves his pacifier, and has loved being swaddled to sleep since he was born. It's going okay, but he still loves the feeling of being swaddled, so it's a work in progress. Today he rolled from his back to his front, and now is dangerous! He's figuring out he can roll to reach things he wants. We are working on sitting up on our own, it will come sometime. I just can't believe how fast he continues to keep changing. Every different stage, I say, "this stage is my favorite".

Andy and I have been working on getting healthier, exercising again. It's going good so far, we like to work out, so that helps. It has just gotten a little more complicated trying to find time with Tanner. It does really make you feel good and give you more's fun for us to do together.

This picture is from Sunday night dinner at our house. We were playing around, and Tanner looked so cute with his pants on his head! Every Sunday we have a family dinner. It is whoever can make it, my parents, siblings, aunt and uncle and their kids....and at whoever's house. It's such a great tradition we have, and a good opportunity for family time.
Tanner doing some tummy time in his UNI Panther t-shirt...he's a big fan!

He is also a MU Tiger fan!

This video is from a recent vacation to Florida, we had to get Tanner's giggle on video. It just makes our heart melt to hear that noise.
Until next time....with love..

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A New Year, A New Blog

My first official blog, so this one might take me awhile until I get the hang of this. I finally decided to make one after awhile for multiple reasons. One being that people can look at what our family is up to without having to bug them with pictures (if they don't want them), and two for a sort of journal of our life, thoughts, and stories. Here we go....

So I'm assuming you know us, but for those of you who need a refresher.....I married this amazing man, Andy, in October 2006. We have a great (though sometimes frustrating) dog named Cooper. We added to our family in July 2008 with our little man, Tanner. We love being parents more than we could have imagined, and our journey brings us to funny stories more often than not.

So I unofficially make New Years resolutions each year, most of which I don't share...until now, I guess. P.S. These are in no certain order.

  • Enjoy every single moment with my son and family, as life is too short and every moment is a blessing.

  • Talk to God daily. Develop my relationship with God even further than I feel like it has come this past year.

  • Try to be more patient.

  • Put my husband #1 and continue to work hard at what a great marriage we already have.

  • Try to be the best Mom possible for Tanner, but don't feel guilty as I am not perfect.

  • Don't try to do everything, if the house is a little dirty life will not end, family time is more important.

  • Have a date night with my husband at least once a month.

  • Try to hang out with couple friends more often.

  • Try to be a better nurse to my #2 kids (the kids at the hospital), they need me as much as Tanner, just in a different way.

  • Give more - time or money or anything, to charities and the less fortunate.

  • Not be so hard on myself.

  • Oh and what everyone has on their list, work out.

Great, I feel good about this first blog. Welcome to.....our little piece of the world.