Okay, Mr. Tanner cracks me up all the time. Yesterday we were looking at pictures on the computer (something he loves to do). We were looking at pictures from the month he was born. They started with baby shower pictures to the birth pictures and beyond. I was trying to explain to him about that he was in these pictures, just in Mommy's belly. When finally he turns to me and says, "Mommy, but why did you eat me?" I LOVE kids and their cute things they say!
So Tanner is pretty great with everything that he says, but one thing he can't say well that I love so much are TV's are called TD's. He also says a lot of little sayings that we must say like, "well actually", and "Mom, seriously." So funny. He also tells Dylan, "no no Dylan" a lot, he told him just the other day that Dad says we can't jump on the bed because we are going to break it.
Speaking of funny, our little Dylan is hilarious. He still throws his "fits". He also is so smart (not that I don't think Tanner isn't). He can put a golf ball on a tee. He helps pick up the cheerios that he thinks are so funny to throw on the floor over and over again. He can put the darts into the nerf dart gun. He can put a ball on the tball tee and sort of swing the bat. He goes and gets his shoes when you ask him to, and then sits on the stair and lifts his foot to put them on. He likes to color with crayons on a piece of paper. He thinks it's funny to run down the sidewalk away from our house. He pets Cooper a lot and likes to give Cooper kisses. He also loves to "wrestle" with Tanner, and no one can make him laugh like he can. He wakes up in the morning and walks to the pantry and hits the door and grunts until you get him a snack, and the same goes with the fridge for a drink. He is so loveable, loves to give us kisses when we ask and to give out hugs when we ask also!
My boys are going to be the best of friends, and I am so honored to watch and be in their lives and to be their Mommy. Don't get me wrong though, I know there are fights ahead too! haha