Friday, May 29, 2009

May post continued....

I always can't figure out the right way to get these pictures in the order I they are backward. Oh well. This is a picture from my first Mother's Day! It was a great day, relaxing and so special. I love being a Mom, more than I could ever imagine. I feel so lucky to be Tanner's Mom. Andy made me breakfast, then we had a great early dinner of steaks at my parents house...relaxing.

Here are my handsome boys! I love this picture...they both have such great real smiles on their faces.

My LITTLE sister graduated from University of Missouri with honors several weeks ago. I just cannot believe that she is out of school and going on to get her Master's Degree. I beam with pride when I talk about it, like she was my kid.

A little family picture from Columbia on graduation day. I'm so glad Tanner got to re-wear his Easter was freezing that day!

Our first family Royals game for my birthday. Tanner LOVED it...he just looked around. He was such a good boy. He ate some bar-b-que and got his "Royals fan" certificate. He konked out in the car and was asleep within like 30 seconds. I know Andy is already planning for Twins games in Minnesota, and to have "boy days" at the baseball game!
Along with this update post I wanted to get some quick little thoughts out about my son and trying to hold onto these precious memories that I don't want to ever forget.
*How he says "mmmm" after EVERY bite of foot he eats.
*How he crawls so fast, pulls up on anything in site, then gently sits down backwards and looks for the next thing to crawl up on.
*His favorite new "word" is "guy"...he says it a million times
*How he wants me when he is tired, or hurt...but when it comes to playing there is no one better than his Daddy
*How he SHOVES food in his mouth, you can only put several bites at a time in front of him or there might be a choking problem
*How frustrating bedtimes and naptimes are right now, and how too soon this will past and I won't be able to remember how hard it is now.
*How he cries when other kids touch him or take his pacifier...we are working on it.
*How he has 8 teeth right now and is getting more
*How he loves his taggy blanket and is starting to need it now to sleep.
*How he won't sit or stand in the grass
*His giggle
*How he picks up his sippy cup and chugs his water...then proceeds to throw it on the floor.
*How he will pull off his diaper a million times if you let him.
*How his favorite things are being outside, going on walks outside, being in the water, sesame street, his pacifier, his taggy blanket, and of course his parents (had to throw that in there)...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Crazy May

So, I warned you that May was a crazy month, so here I am a month later just getting around to a post! This one is a Tanner post, I will post another one of pictures other than my son. Tanner fell asleep like this and I thought it was so cute and funny. Taggy blanket under arm...boy was he exhausted.

2 out of the 3 boys in my life....he looks like he's about to get into trouble doesn't he?

I LOVE this picture! He just pulled up on the window....

This is Tanner and his Daddy hanging outside and using his new swing....he loves it. It doesn't get him excited, it really just calms him down. Probably because he's been in a swing since he was a baby.

I love messy food pictures. This is after Tanner ate a "biter biscuit" which is really hard, but then it sort of melts in his mouth and then you can figure out how he ended up looking like this.
So update on Tanner....he is eating all "real people" food now, loving every minute of it. Even at daycare he gets to eat their food. I told Andy he won't ever want to come home...kidding. He has his first friend, Jay at daycare...they play together a lot. He eats a ton, and fast...I hope he is always a good eater! Other than that, he is crawling really fast, pulling up on everything in sight, opening every drawer and cabinet...constantly hitting his head, smashing his is a tough, busy age, but sooo fun. His favorite "words" are "guy", "dada", "mama", and "uh-oh"... and his parents favorite word is "no"....
Next update, maybe today will be on the rest of our life!